Zenlayer Blog

With increased cloud adoption driving digital transformation in the enterprise, SD-WAN has quickly emerged as an integral part of IT strategies. Research from Gartner indicates that by the end of 2019, 30% of enterprises will have deployed SD-WAN in their branches. In addition, International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that global SD-WAN revenue will exceed $6…
COVID-19 has affected how we connect in person and connecting online simply isn’t the same. It is, however, the next best thing, and I’m incredibly proud that our work at Zenlayer has enabled millions of people around the world to remain connected during a year like 2020.
Sophia has won Employee of the Quarter three times but is still down to earth and one of the hardest workers at Zenlayer. She keeps Zenlayer projects around the world on track from her home in Southern California.

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!