Zenlayer Blog

What’s the difference between Zenlayer SD-WAN and other implementations? And what makes Zenlayer’s solution so special?
With cloud computing being pushed to the edge, the demand for flexibility, visibility and performance are becoming more important than ever. Internet of Things (IoT) workloads in particular will require higher levels of support. According to Gartner, there will be approximately 1.7 billion new IoT devices per year attaching to the enterprise network in 2023…
84 percent of companies use a multi-cloud strategy today, according to Rightscale’s 2019 State of the Cloud. It’s easy to see why CIOs are going all in – their IT teams can enjoy scalable workloads, say goodbye to vendor lock-in, reduce the risk of service interruptions and choose the right cloud for specific workload requirements. However,…

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!