Zenlayer Blog

At AWS re:Invent, Zenlayer teamed up with NS1 to host a Murder Mystery themed after Murder on the Orient Express. Unlike other after parties on The Strip, our goal was to create an engaging evening of suspense centered around building connections to Asia. The event was sold out in 3 days with a waitlist of over a…
Your bandwidth is like traffic – the more your put through, the more congested it is. Bandwidth is the commodity every business needs, but usually they have either too much or too little. What many businesses overlook is the importance of flexible bandwidth. By flexing and scaling up bandwidth, you get a custom solution that meets your business…
Clouds are coming down to earth and have been pushing computing to the edge. Devices are now taking some of the processing workload, which is why edge computing is so exciting. In some circles, edge computing is also known as fog computing. So why does edge computing matter? Can’t the cloud gods handle everything? Sometimes…
Regulatory compliance is a critical consideration when transmitting and storing data. It becomes exponentially complex as different countries have different laws around data residency. This is especially true for businesses wanting to operate in China because of strict internet and privacy laws. Providing internet content To China is a challenge, but it is not impossible to overcome. To…

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!