
Esports and online multiplayer games have exploded in popularity in the last decade. This industry is growing particularly fast in emerging markets like Southeast Asia, India and Brazil, where internet user growth is much higher than in Western countries. In North America, internet users have grown 125% from 2010 to 2020. In contrast, internet users in Asia have grown 305% from 2010 to 2020. 
New products, ideas, and services are constantly changing the definition of “best” in the technology market. In a world where technology constantly improves and even improves itself, it’s quite common to see one prominent platform rise to the top then fall to the bottom. However, even technologies that do eventually die are still the building blocks for future innovations with an even larger impact.
Today we’re talking with Senior Designer Eva Zhang and Designer Monica Peng about how they redesigned the website to make it easier to learn about how we “WOW” our customers and the meaning behind the shapes on each page.
Managing cloud operations is expensive, but there are ways to lower the costs. Best practices in cloud management starts with the mindset of optimizing your resources. A well oiled machine runs better than an inefficient, high powered engine. There is an immediate benefit to reducing the amount of hardware on-site, which lowers ongoing maintenance costs.…

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!