
Every member of the Zenlayer Sales Team has global expertise and can find exactly the right data center for any purpose. But how do they learn all that knowledge? Simple: we send them to accompany deployment teams as they set up new installations at data centers around the world. Two clients recently needed to relocate…
Not long ago, CIOs hesitated to move to the cloud due to security fears. Today, over 70% of organizations are in the cloud. The myth that cloud computing is less secure than legacy systems stemmed from the idea that storing data on servers and systems that aren’t self-owned is more dangerous – yet more than…
  Every day, data continues to drives scientific discovery and business innovation, and data centers must keep pace with the speed of change. Today, new technologies and trends are picking up steam and introducing operational paradigms that simply weren’t conceivable in the past. To gain a better understanding of the data center landscape, here are…
Amidst the craze over AI, IoT and self-driving cars, gaming has been quietly growing at an exponential rate. The industry is poised to grow to $180.1 billion by 2021, while competitive eSports events are seeing 40 percent year-on-year growth. Yet this fast pace of game innovation and development doesn’t come without pressure – game developers…

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!