
We all strive for perfection and promise 99.99% uptime. But outages happen. Natural disasters, cyber attacks, and simple human error can lead to random outages. It’s not a matter of if, but when. This is why it’s important to be prepared like a scout. Every business needs an outage resiliency plan to recover as quickly as possible.…
If your business relies on data centers, any downtime will negatively affect your business. Are you measuring and monitoring its performance? By measuring Data Center Downtime (DCD) as a business metric, you’ll quickly see if your service provider is helping or harming your business. You’ll also see if any changes need to be made for better performance. The Hidden Costs…
A carrier is a provider of transport level infrastructure to the cloud. It connects the cloud service provider to the customers. Although telecom companies provide services to the lower layers of the stack, carriers are aggressively pushing customized transport solutions tailored for cloud providers and consumers. At Capacity Asia 2017, Zenlayer’s Founder & CEO spoke on a panel about…
The gaming industry is accelerating and the amount of data consumed is on par. Analyzing the various interactions is important to understand the psychology behind player preferences. Unfortunately, this also creates a problem – how to store and process the massive amount of data. Big data gaming requires a solution for the relentless tsunami of information in order to…

We’re coming to a city near you! Come grab a drink and a bite with the Zenlayer team as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary!