> China

Unleash China’s potential​

Reach the world’s largest internet population with Zenlayer’s compute and networking services.​

Overcome connectivity challenges with Zenlayer’s in-country services

Serving users in China with applications and content hosted outside of China often causes very high latency that result in lags, jitters, and connection timeouts that harm user satisfaction and your brand. Complex regulations on networks and connections in and out of the country make breaking into its market especially challenging.

Deploy and run your applications from 60+ data centers in China

Eastern China

Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wenzhou, Wuhan, Wuxi

Northern China

Beijing, Hefei, Jinan, Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Tianjin, Zhengzhou

Western China

Chengdu, Chongqing, Deyang, Xi’an, Xianyang

Southern China

Foshan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai

Deliver lightning-fast speeds across all regions of China​

Zenlayer is partnered with all three major Chinese carriers to provide the best connectivity wherever your users are.

Premium CN2 network available to accelerate traffic into and out of China.

Easily connect to global and local public clouds

Direct connections available with all major public clouds in China​

Quickly create your own hybrid cloud environment.​

Connect your China compute instances with global ones through our China Connect solution.​

Improve productivity for your employees in China

Private cross-border connectivity for corporate networks

Ride on our private global backbone for more reliability and security. Reduce latency and jitter by up to 40% vs. the public internet.

Direct connection from AWS US to AWS China

Provision direct connections from your AWS US VPCs to AWS China VPCs in 3-5 business days.

Instant SaaS acceleration for employees

Get faster access to 350+ business-critical applications such as Office365, Zoom, and Salesforce for employees in China.​

Talk to our China experts

Let our experts — backed by 30+ years of experience interfacing with China’s top ISPs and data center providers — guide you to smoothly navigate China’s legal and regulatory landscape.

China market overview

1.05 billion

internet users

$6+ trillion

digital economy

#2 ranking

global AI index

With the world’s second largest market and a sharp focus on developing digital technologies, China brims with opportunities for businesses of all sizes that know how to tap into its potential.

To learn more about China’s market, see China by the Numbers.

Global service, local support

24/7 live technical support included

< 15 minute
response time

95% of tickets are
resolved in < 4 hours

Additional resources

[NEW WEBINAR] Zenlayer x Digital Realty: Scaling Enterprise & AI Workloads Efficiently | March 20 11AM PT/2PM ET