ZGA APP Account Cancellation Policy

Last updated: June 22, 2024

This notice serves to inform you of the repercussions of electing to cancel your Zenlayer Turbo App account. Should you choose to cancel your account such actions shall have the following effects, including but not limited to, following: 

1. Upon cancellation of cancel your account, you will no longer be able to log in and access or have use of the products and services provided on the platform. 

2. After cancellation of the account, all content, information, data, and records that were created to log into and use the products and services of Zenlayer will be deleted (except as otherwise restricted by relevant governmental laws and regulations or for performance purposes where statutory obligations allow). You will no longer be able to retrieve, access, obtain, continue to use and/or retrieve such information or data, including but not limited to: 

Personal information (such as name, phone number, etc.) that you voluntarily provided to or authorized Zenlayer to collect during your use of Zenlayer provided products and services under this account; 

Other content, information, data, historical records, or service usage records related to the account. 

3. After the account has been cancelled, all Customer rights and interests in the account will be deemed to be automatically waived. 

4. Account cancellation is irreversible and irrevocable. Once the account is cancelled, it cannot be recovered. Should you decide to re-apply for an account with Zenlayer with the same email address, this will be considered a new user account and any previous information or data associated with any prior cancelled account will not be available to restore. 

5. Once the account is cancelled, you will no longer enjoy the rights applicable to registered users as stipulated in the relevant user agreement signed with us and other rights and obligations documents, but otherwise stipulated by relevant national laws and regulations or in the user service agreement Except as provided. 

By clicking the “I have read and agree to the “Turbo Account Cancellation Notice”” and apply for Turbo APP account cancellation, you are acknowledging that you fully understand, and agreed to accept the above aftereffects of cancelling your ZGA APP account. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the any of the above, please contact us prior to the cancellation of your ZGA APP account. 

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